Friday, October 10, 2014

HMDC attends Open House

Henderson Mill Dental Care staff and doctors attended Dr. Clinebell's ( Open House on Thursday, October 2nd. We always enjoy seeing who will show up next. This year it was Forest Gump and Jenny!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

JapanFest Atlanta 2014

Treatment Coordinator, Izumi and Dr. Uetsuki both volunteered during JapanFest 2014. This year's festival drew a record number of attendees. Check out details at

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

HMDC offers Fastbraces

Henderson Mill Dental Care is proud to offer Fastbraces. Visit for details. This video explains a bit more about Fastbraces If you think you are a candidate please call today to schedule your free consultation at 770-496-0496.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Polyethylene Micro Beads in Tooth Paste

As consumers you have the potential of making positive changes in the health & safety of the products that are available for purchase through the choices you make. Become more informed by viewing the attached link and then you can decide what is best for you, your family and your personal environmental views. At Henderson Mill Dental Care we currently do not offer any of the products in question.
The ADA released a statement regarding the use of these micro beads at We understand from P&G that the majority of their toothpaste products will be micro bead free by March 2015.

Monday, October 6, 2014

What's New? Teeth Eruption Charts

Have you ever wondered when your child will get all their teeth? Check out our new teeth eruption charts at, which cover both baby teeth and primary teeth.