Monday, August 31, 2015

Treatment Coordinator, Karen Celebrates 20 Years at HMDC

In case you didn't know it, we at Henderson Mill Dental Care consider 20 years a BIG deal!  Last Thursday we celebrated Treatment Coordinator, Karen's 20th Year with Henderson Mill Dental Care in grand style!  Retired Dentist and former owner, Dr. Steve Morgan was in attendance as well.

Doctors and Staff celebrated over a lunch catered by Chipotle Mexican Grill.  Karen was presented with flowers, one for every year of service and our traditional Gold and Diamond Pin custom designed with our Henderson Mill logo.

Special thanks to Glen of Star Blaze Jewelers in Tucker who designed our anniversary pin over 10 years ago and creates them for us still today!

When asked for gift ideas, Karen had mentioned she wanted an upgrade on her ring.  Well, we provided her an upgrade alright.  It's certainly not to be missed and will light up a dark room.

We did also provide her with a gift certificate to help with a ring upgrade of her choosing at Blaze Jewelers.  And the last gift was a unique find indeed!  We provided Karen with a custom made bobblehead doll.  Be sure to check it out during your next visit to Henderson Mill Dental Care.

And all this to say, We Love You Karen and are so glad to have you in our family!

20+ Year Staff at Henderson Mill Dental Care

Thursday, August 27, 2015

International Dog Day!

In honor of International Dog day yesterday, show us your pooches! We know you can make them smile!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Gum Disease and Diabetes

The American Diabetes Association reports that people with diabetes are more likely to develop and have more severe gum disease than those without diabetes. If you're a diabetic, be sure to talk with us so we can help develop a dental plan that's best for you.

Monday, August 10, 2015

What's in your mouth?

On a daily basis, your mouth is home to over 100,000,000 micro-creatures who are swimming, feeding, reproducing, and depositing waste in your mouth. Makes you want to brush your teeth, doesn’t it?

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Dental Hygienist, Keri Celebrates 12 years at HMDC

Join us in congratulating Dental Hygienist, Keri on 12 wonderful years at Henderson Mill Dental Care. We love you Keri and so glad you are at HMDC.